A limited number of Black Hills November Mule Deer hunts are available for 2025. Application deadline is March 12, please contact us for details!
2025 Archery Antelope Information
Due to the limited length of our firearms season, our ever growing antelope population and our disproportionate number of trophy bucks we are now offering a limited number of archery hunts on one of our best trophy antelope camps.
These hunts will be conducted from permanent ground blinds situated at our most active permanent water holes. A hunter set up in one of these spacious ground blinds can expect to have scores of antelope come to water within easy archery range of them and they can expect to have opportunities to take Pope & Young quality antelope bucks each and every day!
- You should see a lot of antelope each day and you will have a 90% chance at a Trophy buck antelope that will exceed the Pope & Young Records book entry minimum. In fact a few hunters may even have a chance at a buck that would make the Boone & Crockett Records book as well!
- You can take up to four (4) additional doe antelope per hunter for just the price of the additional doe antelope licenses ($34 each) and a $100 apiece trophy fee.
- Don’t worry about drawing the licenses! Due to the vast amounts of private land in our area licenses are undersubscribed and available over the counter! In fact a hunter in our area can even purchase a second trophy buck license!
- This is a completely outfitted hunt. This hunt will include the hunter being be picked up and returned from/to the Casper, Wyoming Airport, lodging and all meals during the hunt.
- You will be hunting our top Trophy antelope producing camp before our rifle hunters have an opportunity to hunt it!
- Spaces are limited to ensure a quality hunt.
- These are 3 days hunts. The contracted hunt will include an arrival and departure day in addition to the actual hunting days. For example this 3 day Trophy antelope archery hunt will have the hunter arriving on day 1, hunting days 2, 3, 4 and departing on day 5.
- These hunts will include the hunter being be picked up and returned from /to the Casper Airport, lodging and all meals during the hunt.
- These hunts will include the hunter having the opportunity to harvest one (1) trophy antelope buck and up to four (4) additional doe antelope.
- Not included in the hunt price are the hunter’s license fees (Nonresident Archery license – $30, Conservation Stamp – $12.50, Nonresident buck antelope license – $272, Nonresident additional doe licenses – $34 each)
- Not included in the hunt price are any meat processing or taxidermy costs.
- Not included in the hunt price are any alcoholic beverages
- Not included in the hunt price are any meat processing or taxidermy costs.
What to Expect
A typical archery antelope hunt will begin with a Wyoming Professional Hunters, Ltd. representative meeting you at the Casper, Wyoming airport if you choose to fly in or meeting you in the town of Glenrock, Wyoming if you choose to drive in. Then with your gear loaded you will be driven out to the camp where you can settle into your room, unpack your gear and grab your binoculars for a tour of the area you’ll be hunting.
As you are driven through the area to be hunted a knowledgeable guide will show you scores of antelope bucks and will show you how to tell the difference between a normal antelope buck and one that will exceed the Pope & Young Records book entry minimum. You can expect to see a wide variety of wildlife on your drive as well as some antelope bucks that will make you drool.
Then it’s back to camp for a hardy dinner prepared by our cook and a good nights sleep.
The next morning after a hardy breakfast your guide will drive you to your designated blind along with a cooler full of snacks, lunch & cold drinks where you will set up in anticipation of your Trophy antelope buck. The antelope should begin appearing almost immediately and numerous antelope will come to water throughout the day with the peak activity generally being around mid-day.
If you have harvested an antelope or wish to return to camp for any reason there will be a fluorescent flag in your blind that you can attach to the outside of your blind as a signal visual signal. Your guide will return approximately every 1 1/2 to 2 hours throughout the day to glass your location from a distant ridge top. If he sees this visual signal he will immediately come to your blind. If you have harvested an antelope he will help you take photos, field dress and load your antelope into the pickup truck. He will then take your antelope back to the camp to be skinned, caped and cooled.
Finally when evening comes its back to camp for another hardy dinner, some good conversation and hopefully another good night’s sleep.
The next 2 hunting days should be similar to the first with a few trips to the local processor and taxidermist thrown in for good measure.
On the 5th day after one more hardy breakfast you will pack up your gear and will be taken by the meat processor to pick up your cut, wrapped and frozen meat then you will taken to your vehicle or the Casper, Wyoming airport which ever the case may be to begin your journey home where we anticipate you will begin planning your next hunt with Wyoming Professional Hunters, Ltd.